24 May, 2006

Catching up

Blimey, I haven't posted on here in nearly two months. I've been preparing for my exams, but just as an aide-mémoire, here are the books I've been reading recently:

Hobsbawm's Age of Empire and Age of Extremes
Dumas's La Reine Margot
A book on The British spy novel by John Atkins
Many are the crimes by Ellen Schrecker, about the McCarthy period in America
From Napoleon to the Second International, a collection of AJP Taylor's essays on the nineteenth century
Mein Jahrhundert, Gunther Grass's collection of one hundred short stories, one for each year of the twentieth century
The communist manifesto, actually a re-read, but I haven't read it in around ten years
Freud's A short introduction to psychoanalysis, which did exactly what it said on the label

1 comment:

weierstrass said...

wow, that's a lot of reading.

i read 'five lectures on psychoanalysis' by freud which i think covers a lot of the same ground. it's actually funny that, although it;s quite easy to make fun of freud for some of his theories; lots of the less bonkers things have become central to everyone's understanding of the psyche. without him, we simply wouldn't have the notions that everyone down to the 'psychologists' on big brother use to critique and describe the workings of our thoughts and emotions.